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Herbs are nature's pharmacy, offering invaluable plant wisdom in our modern lives.

East Asian herbal medicine takes a holistic approach, treating the individual as a whole rather than focusing solely on the disease. It considers the unique constitution of each person, addressing the body, mind, and spirit. Even when facing the same condition, two individuals may require different herbal treatments.

Unlike conventional medicine that often targets symptoms, East Asian herbal medicine delves deeper to address the root cause of the condition. It provides personalized treatment tailored to you, promoting true healing and well-being.

Herbal Medicine

A comprehensive assessment that aids you in understanding your elemental constitution - the unique balance of elements within your body, mind, and spirit. This reading links your current symptoms with the corresponding elements, providing practical advice on how to restore balance and achieve optimal health in body, mind, emotions and spirit.

Elemental Health intuitive reading

Acupuncture combines physical and energetic elements, offering a unique therapeutic approach that spans 2,000 years. It integrates the wisdom of the energetic blueprint with the body's anatomy and physiology, making it exceptional for treating physical pain, migraines, digestive disorders, trauma, anxiety, depression, and more.

Unlike modern medicine, acupuncture takes a holistic approach, viewing symptoms as interconnected patterns. By recognizing the interconnectedness of seemingly unrelated symptoms, it provides a comprehensive perspective on healing.

Experience the profound benefits of acupuncture, where ancient wisdom meets modern science, and embark on a journey towards optimal well-being.


Food is the foundation of good health. Nutrition is a deeply personal matter; it's not about adhering to a rigid diet, but rather about finding what truly nourishes your body, mind, and spirit in the present moment. It's about the strength of your digestion and elimination processes.

Through the integration of the 5 Element principles of East Asian Medicine nutrition, seasonal eating, and modern theories, you'll gain insight into what might be hindering your ability to have a nourishing relationship with food. Additionally, you'll discover how food can support you in managing chronic health conditions. This approach is entirely tailored to you, your unique lifestyle, and your culinary preferences.

Energetic Nutrition Therapy

The environment you inhabit holds an energetic essence, just like yourself. Understanding how to align this space with personal fulfillment and financial success is crucial. Classical Feng Shui goes beyond mere object placement, incorporating the dimensions of time and space, along with the foundational principles of the 5 Elements, akin to Acupuncture and Chinese Astrology. This holistic approach provides you with a comprehensive understanding of your overall well-being. After all, home is where the heart is.

Virtual and In-Person (Denver)

Feng Shui and home organization

At the core of well-being lies self-awareness, purpose, and a sense of meaning. Astrology goes beyond fortune-telling; it serves as a roadmap to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others. It brings clarity to your life story, shedding light on your career, relationships, children, and health. Drawing from the western zodiac and the wisdom of the 5 Elements, just like Acupuncture and Feng Shui, East/West Astrology readings plays a vital role in your holistic journey towards optimal health.

East/West Astrology Reading